assessment and treatment

our services

Private memory assessment and treatment

Upon receiving your query, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire to clarify your main issues and your physical health. This form will be reviewed by our memory specialist consultants before offering you an appointment. You then would be offered an appointment with one our memory specialist consultant. You can choose virtual or face to face consultation.

Memory assessments are usually two sessions: initial assessment and diagnostic assessment.

The initial assessments: This would take up to 60 minutes when you would see a consultant memory specialist doctor  who would obtain a detailed history of your physical and mental health, would clarify your memory difficulties, the onset, progression and the impact of memory difficulties on your day to day functioning,

and would carry out a comprehensive memory test. Following the initial assessment, and depending on findings of this assessment, you may need to have a dementia screening blood test and a brain scan ;which can be arranged via your GP or privately by us; this would help to exclude other causes to memory difficulties.

Diagnostic assessment: This would take up to 60 minutes. The consultant memory specialist doctor would discuss the outcome of your tests, make a diagnosis whenever applicable, discuss appropriate treatment plans and signpost you to post diagnostic help and supports. If medication is indicated (not appropriate for some types of dementia) you can be commenced on them and you would need follow up appointments to monitor the response to medication.

Private memory assessment and treatment

Upon receiving your query, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire to clarify your main issues and you physical health. This form will be reviewed by our memory specialist consultants before offering you an appointment. You then would be offered an appointment with one our memory specialist consultant. You can choose virtual or face to face consultation.
Memory assessments are usually two sessions: initial assessment and diagnostic assessment. The initial assessments: This would take up to 60 minutes when you would see a consultant memory specialist doctor  who would obtain a detailed history of your physical and mental health, would clarify your memory difficulties, the onset, progression and the impact of memory difficulties on your day to day functioning,
and would carry out a comprehensive memory test. Following the initial assessment, and depending on findings of this assessment, you may need to have a dementia screening blood test and a brain scan ;which can be arranged via your GP or privately by us; this would help to exclude other causes to memory difficulties.

Diagnostic assessment: This would take up to 60 minutes. The consultant memory specialist doctor would discuss the outcome of your tests, make a diagnosis whenever applicable, discuss appropriate treatment plan and signpost you to post diagnostic help and supports. If medication is indicated (not appropriate for some types of dementia) you can be commenced on them and you would need follow up appointments to monitor the response to medication.

assessment & treatment

What happen at the end of assessment?

The likely cause of you memory problems would be clarified and explained to you. If the cause of your memory problems are reversible, you can start your treatment to improve your memory. If the causes of your memory problems is Dementia we can start you on memory medication, if applicable, and medication titration. This could slow down some of symptoms of dementia and improve your quality life. We also offer you group CST which is recommended by NICE guideline and is as effective as medication. If you are diagnosed with dementia you will be also sign post to further support and help and you will be eligible to entitlement which in average save you £4000 a year.

Can you always find causes of my memory problem?

In vast majority of the cases we are able to explain the likely causes of your memory problem. However, occasionally in more complex cases,  this may not be possible. If this is the case,  this will be clearly discuss this with you and explain if further investigations like Amloyied PET scan or  neuropsychological assessment would be appropriate. If you wish to have further investigations we can help to arrange these further tests for you.

Can you always find causes of my memory problem?

In vast majority of the cases we are able to explain the likely causes of your memory problem. However, occasionally in more complex cases,  this may not be possible. If this is the case,  this will be clearly discuss this with you and explain if further investigations like Amloyied PET scan or  neuropsychological assessment would be appropriate. If you wish to have further investigations we can help to arrange these further tests for you.

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